Why Diets Don’t Work

“The problem with severely restricting diets is that they jolt your body into starvation mode, preventing your body from burning unwanted fat and storing more fat and calories for you to survive on.

 When the body can no longer get its calories from food it looks to get some of its calories from lean muscle. This results in muscle loss. Less muscle means a slower metabolic rate causing stalled weight loss or even worse weight gain.”

~ Dr. Mehmet Oz


One diet does not work for everyone.

If it did, there would only be one diet, right?

Typically, when we hear the word “diet” we conjure up images of a long list of foods we have to avoid. That’s because this is how most “diets” work. According to the dictionary, there are two definitions of diet:

  1.   the kinds of foods a person, animal or community habitually eats (for example, vegetarian, vegan or paleo diet);

  2.  a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. 

When I refer to the word “diet” I mean it in the “abundance of foods enjoyed because they support an individual’s health”, not a restrictive “you can’t eat that” diet or “you can only eat 1200 calories a day” diet.  

Restrictive strategies set us up for failure in the long run. As a society, we’ve been falling victim to the diet mentality for way too long and then blame ourselves because it doesn’t work.

It’s not your fault! ANY restrictive diet will have a yo-yo effect. When you deprive your body of the nutrition it needs, it keeps track. Once you go off the so-called diet, your body knows what it was lacking and your willpower is just no match. Again, it’s NOT your fault. This is why diets don’t work long-term, not to mention the damage that can be done to your health with overly restrictive diets. If only we knew this years ago!

Dieting truly doesn’t work…on SO many levels! 

Please realize and remember that you are amazing just the way you are!  😊

You are not the number on your scale. Yes, I know what it’s like to have that as a big focus, as I’ve seen many friends, family and clients worry about it. So, if the scale stresses you out, feel free to hide it! Focus your energy around eating healthier, improving your digestion, being more active and taking better care of yourself. This is a great opportunity to put some focus back on YOU. 

Top ways to focus on you & your health.







Again, it is so important not to obsess over that number and do not weigh yourself more than once a week! Don’t worry about where you’re starting. You may not like where you are right now, but the only thing that matters is the direction you’re going. That’s where you want your focus. Sound good? 😉  


Are you emotionally “fit”?


Continue a Healthy Lifestyle During Summer