Continue a Healthy Lifestyle During Summer

FUN ways to be healthy!! Get Ready for YOUR Best Summer Ever!!....

Yes! Your. Best. Summer. Ever.

GET Spunky! BE Playful! DO YOU!

Who doesn’t want FUN ways to have a SUPER SUMMER, filled with HEALTHY things to do and ways to PLAY?

You ARE the role model! Let’s do this!


DRINK H20 instead! – have a water challenge with your family! Whoever drinks half their weight in ounces every day for a week, gets something WAY COOL!! Think gift card for ice cream, cold hard cash or a day OFF from chores!

FARMER’S MARKET & GRILL 2gether! – give each child $5 to buy any fresh healthy choice they WANT at one of our local markets. Then let the kids HELP with dinner & grill! Corn on the cob, veggie medley, steaks or brats from the market! Let them help baste and roast and flip! YES!


CAR WASH! – pull the car into the yard, throw on your swimsuits and get the buckets out! Let the kids spray and douse the car with suds galore! Great time to water the garden and flowers too! This can go on for hours if you really want to have a good clean car! PERFECT FOR HOT DAYS! (Good for adult couples too!)


ICED TREATS! – make popsicles, bark or smoothies with raw fruit juice, yogurts and berries! SO MUCH FUN! And tastes FANTASTIC! Get some molds the kids will LOVE! OR cute straws and mason jars they can paint. Lots of FUN can happen here. They can paint the jars while waiting for their ice creams to freeze. Find my homemade bark recipe at COACHEDbykimberley. Here’s more ideas too!


PICNIC INDOORS OR OUT! pull out an old blanket or comforter and set it down on the living room floor, if outside, put it on the lawn, under the shade. Bring on the meat and cheese tray, veggies and your fruit popsicles…even popcorn to make it extra playful!


VEG-OUT! – to end a great ACTIVE day, find ways to relax and mellow without electronics. Turn a large pot into a foot soak. Add Epsom salts, essential oils or food coloring to make it soothing and FUN. Next, rub each-others feet while lying on the couch, or rub backs in a row, then switch sides! Other ideas are coloring together or painting those Mason jars for another FUN occasion.


The best part is just being together and living without electronics or running errands! Most of these can be done with ALL ages of kids and adults! Just make time for it! Even if it’s only 15 minutes. As we all know, time goes by very fast, indeed!!


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