Are you emotionally “fit”?

What’s Your Story?

So part of health is emotions, right? Emotional fitness. It is definitely a thing. And something that we shouldn’t take lightly in our wellness repertoire, along with exercise, nutrition, energy, life satisfaction... If you are anything like me, then there is some past, buried or every day emo lurking. Sometimes it nags and prowls, making a healthy life seem impossible. Or maybe there’s healing and “you’re over it”. That’s cool. But really…how do you know if you’re “over it”? Is life going GREAT! All things are clean…eating, drinking, parenting, all responsibilities – up to par. For some, maybe, for others, not so much.

I think we try to hide things. So we over-indulge, act risky, be rude, are too sensitive or let people walk all over us…anything sound familiar? This is our emotional fitness. An area that gets overlooked when thinking health. Funny though. It is probably the most important part of well-being. Making our brain’s emotional strong = happy. 😊

I have my story. It’s true. When I was about 10 years old, I had a step mom. Yep, she was the wicked one. Abusive. Intolerant. Mean. She put a dent in me. I thought of her a lot years after she left my life. I hated her and I wasn’t brought up to hate anyone. I was sure if I saw her at Hy-Vee or Dahl’s, I’d punch her lights out. Funny. No, not really...

Now, a grown mature woman, I haven’t thought much about her in years. I’ve become more curious than anything. Life is interesting. It’s been over thirty years. Haven’t heard or seen a peep. Don’t care.

A couple of years ago, a longtime friend reached out to me about a Celebration of Life. A mutual friend of ours from grade school, lost his wife to CANCER. Super Sad. ☹ Death. Age 46. Perspective. (more on that next time). WHEW!

This longtime friend invited me to catch up with these guys from our “glory days” and reconnect. It had been 10 years since I’d seen some, close to 30 for others. I decided to go. Something in me was “curious”. Hmmm….

I had fun. I had a few drinks. I was glad to see these “old” buds and I was able to give hugs, love and support. It brought back memories and created new ones. Then…. She. Showed. Up. Yep! I heard the words, “It’s your stepmom, _____, and there’s your daughter!!!”…. OMG!!! YOU DIDN’T!!!!

LONG STORY SHORT, there were no fist fights. She looked like my Grandma! I was speechless. Never mind. No, I wasn’t. She sat right next to me. Really. I told her everything. I was mad. I was hurt. I was scared. I was angry. All the emotions were there. She……….was sorry. I forgave her. Pictures were taken. FB posts were had (unknown to me). Etc….etc…

My emotional fitness met resistance that night. I had an opportunity that some may never get. I released it. I let go. I was allowed and I took advantage. I am happy for her. I am happy for me. I am fortunate. And most of all, I am stronger. Some things need said. Some need “did”. With emotions, it can get real ugly, real fast. Care is Best. Love first. Love yourself 1st! By doing so, you gain confidence, you gain strength and the knowledge to realize what the “right thing” is and if you’re really “over it”.

Our actions tell us if we’re happy people; if we’re living vibrantly, if we are emotionally “fit”. I continue to work on this part of my life, daily. Honestly, it’s the hardest part of being healthy that I can imagine.

How are you? Is ZEST part of your day!! 😊 Every day! Do you treat your body with love and respect? Do you work towards a better you? Being better serves everyone and everything around us – the ones we love – do life with – our community – our environment. Self-improvement is growth, makes us stronger and grounds us in well-being.

Want to find out where do you sit in your wellness repertoire?  To find out, check out my attached Wheel of Life Circle.  Be honest with yourself.

Here for you! Love you! Promise! ~ Kimberley


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