Take charge of your own personal wellness journey with these flexible packages designed to meet you where you are and take you farther than you imagined.

Personal Wellness Packages

Illuminating your personal wellness journey with these offerings.

  • Private Wellcoaching Package

    12 Sessions Total

    Personalized private coaching to determine your nutrition and fitness goals, as well as the education and support to actually meet them. This package is tailored to your interests and needs.

  • Healthy Body Package

    Your choice of personal training, private yoga, or a well-coaching combo package offered 2 times a week . Hit the button to learn more and sign up!

  • Mix and Match Package

    You pick your choice of sessions for a total of 3:

    Ergonomics Review
    Personal Training
    Wellness Vision Call
    Nutrition Coaching

    Example: 2 personal training sessions and 1 ergo review for a total of 3 sessions.

Join our Wellness Club! This informal, private group is made up of a beautiful community of women that put their health & exercise on TOP of the list!

We meet Saturdays, for an enlightening Yoga session via Zoom or in the Firefly Wellness Studio in Ankeny, IA . Club members get first hand information on upcoming events, freebies and discounts on all my programs! Accessible strength training workouts & health coaching videos included!

We’d love to have you in the CJC! ❤

Get in touch.

Looking for an even more personalized wellness package or nutrition plan? Please write to us with your ideas to get the ball rolling!